Tuesday, May 13, 2008

scary movie about ghosts

it was 12 o'clock and i wanted to watch movie and scary one... i began with one missed call but it didnot start...so i started to watch a movie --i dont remember the true name but i think it was called house on haunted hill or samething like that..and i started to watch...at first it was not scary and i thought that i could hendel it....but then starded oo my god..it was really scary..i was all alone in the room and i felt like i was in that movie and now it would come for me or something like that.....a ran away to the bathroom..there was darkness...i felt all scared out..so my heart was beeting like never befor...so now i have to sleep cuz its really late and tommorow i have school..im in big trouble....i cant sleep..o i wish i havenot seen that movie....okey bye..i will show u a posteeer..its old movie..like 1999..i was only 9 when i was watched.. funny :D

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